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Anxiety Blanket Records

Rain Gregorio “World Behind Your Head” Digital Download

Rain Gregorio “World Behind Your Head” Digital Download

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World Behind Your Head is the debut studio EP by Mount Rainier, the moniker of LA-based singer/songwriter Rain Gregorio. In just under fifteen minutes, this record wistfully explores love, addiction, and existential longing across six kaleidoscopic songs, purposely arranged to flow as one continuous track.

Initially conceived and recorded in two weeks with phone-recorded guitars over lo-fi drum loops, WBYH derives as much influence from the ambient stylings of Bill Callahan and Swedish dream-pop outfit, The Radio Dept., as it does Belgian expressionist painter James Ensor, distilling atmospheric splendor from abstraction. After the initial work was completed, Gregorio brought the songs to longtime friend, drummer and producer Tom Kendall. The pair quickly got to work, exchanging home-recorded tracks over several months to craft Mount Rainier's versatile, yet singular sound.

The opening track “Alone” coaxes listeners into its cosmic, neo soul groove with the winsome lilt of Gregorio's vocal harmonies. Lead single “Baby + Do It If It Feels Right”, a lush ode to a budding connection, is guided by its magnetic rhythm section and a soaring lap steel solo as the song builds to its emphatic chorus. But it is the nostalgic, stripped-down closer “Kino Cave River” that best showcases Gregorio’s confidence as a songwriter, tying a neat bow upon the emotionally-wrought collection of work. World Behind Your Head closes with the notion that one cannot be taught how to love, but proves in its entirety that effort triumphs over know-how. Find it on Bandcamp and all streaming services on May 14, 2021. 

Released May 14, 2021

All songs written by Rain Gregorio
and Produced by Tom Kendall

Guitars, bass, synth, and vox by Rain Gregorio
Drums, percussion, synth, and backing vox on Track 1 by Tom Kendall
Additional guitars and keys on Tracks 2, 3, and 6 by Cole Brossus

Mixed and mastered by Tom Kendall

Album art and acrylic paintings by Daryl Dingman @dryldngmn
Layout design by Evan Dykes @evandflowing

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